Opiskelemaan Nottinghamin yliopistoon?
Oletko kiinnostunut opiskelusta yliopistossa Englannissa?
Nottinghamissa on aktiivinen käsipalloseura, joka haluaa voimakkaasti kasvaa tulevina vuosina.
Lue lisää alla olevasta Colin Willsin viestistä ja ole suoraan yhteydessä häneen.
If you have any young handball players who might be considering studying in England at University (for 1 year or more), you perhaps point them in the direction of Nottingham and it’s 2 league teams and 1 university club.
Our growth here has been huge in the past 12 months and we are looking to take all 3 clubs to the next level – recruiting young, experienced players from established handball nations is one way. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please feel free to give them my details and I’ll be more than happy to fill them in.
Contact information:
Colin Wills
Tel: +44(0)115 9619458
Work: +44(0)115 8466259
Mob: +44(0)7984 625664